Datacenter Licencing

From TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation
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Datacenter licenses allow you to sell dedicated/virtual servers with a TCAdmin master and games pre-configured. You configure which games the datacenter clients are allowed to access. They are synchronized automatically when you update or add new games. You can also send messages/news to your datacenter clients from your control panel.


First create the user that the datacenter clients will use to access your game configs and files.

  • Create a new user role with the following permissions:
    • Game hosting > File server users
    • FTP server > FTP access
  • Create a new user and assign it to the role that you created.

Then configure the default information used by your datacenter clients to get the game configs and files. Each license that you create can have different values if needed.

  • Go to your master server settings. Under Default Datacenter Licensing Configuration enter the following values:
    • Sync Url (The url to your panel's fileserver.aspx. For example: or if using MVC:
    • Default Download Server (The FTP IP and port of the the monitor that hosts the files. For example:
    • Default Download User (The user that you just created.)
    • Default Download Password (The password of the user that you just created.)

If your control panel runs with IIS or if you use a Windows.Custom.config / Linux.Custom.config you must configure anonymous access to fileserver.aspx on your TCAdmin2\ControlPanel\Web.config and TCAdmin2\ControlPanel\Windows.Custom.config. Before adding the lines make sure they don't exist to prevent duplicate entries. Under:



<location path="fileserver.aspx">
      <allow users="?" />

Configuring Allowed Games

Select the game. Under Datacenter Licensing Configuration check Sync with datacenter users and select the roles that are allowed to access the game. Check Allow game export and Allow game edit if needed.

The datacenter clients will sync the games every few hours or after the monitor is restarted.

Sending Messages to Datacenter Clients

To send messages to datacenter clients go to User Management > Mass Emails. Set type to Users. Select the role used by your datacenter clients. Check Don't send emails and send the message.

Managing Licenses

To create a license go to settings > datacenter licenses > New. It will generate a new license. You can specify different file server values if needed. You can suspend a license if it's not in use.


  • The licenses are billed at the end of the month.
  • The license will be prorated starting on the day it was first used.
  • if you create a license and it's never used it will not be billed.
  • Unpaid licenses are suspended on the 6th day of the month.
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