
From TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation
Enter the update's name.
Enter comments for this update.
Windows File
The file that will be extracted for Windows game servers. If left blank, the update is not supported on Windows. The file should be placed in GameFiles\GameForlder\TCA.Updates\.
Linux File
The file that will be extracted for Linux game servers. If left blank, the update is not supported on Linux. The file should be placed in GameFiles/GameForlder/TCA.Updates/.
Extract Path
The relative path where the file will be extracted.
Installed by default
Specify if the update is included in the default game installation. Only one update can have this option checked.
User access
Specify if the update can installed by the user.
Reseller access
Specify if the update can installed by the reseller.
Subadmin access
Specify if the update can installed by the subadmin.
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