Query Monitoring

From TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation


The built-in game monitor continuously queries the services to make sure they are running perfectly and checks for configuration changes that are not allowed.

"Enable the game monitor service" must be checked in the Game & Voice Hosting tab in each of your server settings. This is enabled by default.

Query Interval

Query Interval
The seconds between queries. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). Set to 0 to disable.
Query Interval Retry
If the first query fails, the seconds to wait before trying again. The default is 30 seconds. If the query fails the second time the configured actions are taken. Set to 0 to disable.

Query Failure Detection

Enable query failure detection
Enables actions to be taken when the query does not return any results.
Failure Actions
The actions to take when the query fails.
Max Failures
The maximum number of restarts when the query does not respond. Set to 0 to disable.
Max Failure Actions
The actions to take when the query failures reaches the maximum allowed.

Slot Detection

Enable slot detection
Enables actions to be taken when the slots have been increased.
Additional Allowed
The number of additional slots that are allowed for this game. For example this can be used to allow an additional slot for HLTV.
The actions to take when the slots have been increased.

Private Detection

Enable private detection
Enables actions to be taken when the service changes from private to public.
The actions to take when the service changes from private to public.

Brand Detection

Enable brand detection
Enables actions to be taken when the service's branding has been removed.
The actions to take when the service's branding has been removed.

Rule Detection

You can get a list of rules available for a game type by querying a game server using Game Query Tool at System > General > Game Query Tool or by clicking on the Current Activity icon of an existing service. The selected actions will be taken if the rule matches the specified condition.

Enable rule detection
Enables actions to be taken when the game service's rules have changed.

Server Variables for Resource Usage

The following server variables are available to monitor/restrict high resource usage on game/voice services:

The CPU usage of the service's process and sub processes.
The memory usage (in bytes) of the service's process and sub processes.
The memory usage (in megabytes) of the service's process and sub processes.
The bandwidth usage (in bytes/per second) of the service's process and sub processes.
The bandwidth usage (in megabytes/per second) of the service's process and sub processes.

Rule Detection Examples

Stop the game server if bot_quota is higher than 5.

Server Variable: bot_quota
Operator: >
Value: 5
Actions: [x] StopService  [ ] RestartService  [ ] DisableService  [ ] EmailUser

Email admins if the game server is using more than 50% CPU.

Server Variable: Service.CurrentCpu
Operator: >
Value: 50
Actions: [] StopService  [] RestartService  [ ] DisableService  [ ] EmailUser

Stops the game server if it is using 15% more memory than assigned. This example assumes you have a variable named Xmx with value specified in megabytes. An Iron Python script is used to get the value of the Xmx variable.

Server Variable: Service.CurrentMemory
Operator: >
Value: $ipy<%=float(ThisService.Variables["Xmx"]) * 1.15; %>
Actions: [x] StopService  [] RestartService  [ ] DisableService  [ ] EmailUser


Enable live stats
Saves the last query results to tc_game_service_live_stats. This allows custom coding on your website that shows the list of active services.
Enable activity and resource usage stats
Enables the collection of player activity and resource usage for this game.
Collection Interval
The interval in seconds at which the stats are collected. The default is 15 minutes (900 seconds). This value must be equal or greater than 'Query Interval'.
  • The lower the value, the more space and CPU time it will take to store this information.
Max Detailed Days
The maximum number of days that the detailed data is kept in the database. The default is 7 days.
Records older than the specified number of days will be converted to historical information. Set to 0 to never convert to historical stats.
Max Historical Days
The maximum number of days that the historical data is kept in the database.
The default is 30 days. Historical data uses less disk space, only 1 database record per service per hour. Set to 0 to never delete historical stats.
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