MVC Templates

From TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation

Currently MVC templates are only supported on Windows. The MVC templates are currently in beta testing.


  • .NET 4.5 must be installed on your server.
  • Install TCAdmin version or greater.

Generate a machine key

TCAdmin starts 2 web applications. The classic ASP.NET web app and the MVC web app. Both need to have the same machine key.

  • Make a copy of TCAdmin2\ControlPanel\Windows.config and name it Windows.Custom.config.
  • Make a copy of TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\Windows.config and name it Windows.Custom.config.
  • Use this tool to generate an ASP.NET 2.0 Machine Key.
  • Edit both Windows.Custom.config. Replace the following line with the value generated in the previous step. If you run IIS with the built in website disabled you must also update your Web.config because it won't get updated automatically.
<machineKey validation="AES" decryption="AES" decryptionKey="AutoGenerate" validationKey="AutoGenerate" />

IIS configuration (optional)

  • Configure the website in IIS with these instructions: Configure_the_TCAdmin_website_to_run_with_IIS The only difference is that your main website will point to TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC. If you already have your website configured in IIS just change the website path to TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC.
  • Right click on the control panel website and select add application. Set the alias to Aspx and point it to TCAdmin2\ControlPanel. Both must run with the classic .NET application pool.

Update the monitor configuration

If you run your control panel with IIS and the built in web site disabled this is not required.

  • Edit TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAdminMonitor.exe.config. Add these lines under <appSettings> (update them if they already exist).
<add key="TCAdmin.Public.MVC" value="True" />
<add key="TCAdmin.Public.MVC.WebServicesPath" value="../ControlPanel.MVC" />
  • Restart the monitor.
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