Install mod from WHMCS

From TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation

Game Mods

The following Iron python script will install a mod after the game server has been created. Create a variable named "ModToInstall". Configure WHMCS to send the mod id to be installed after creating the game server. Configure it for the game's after created event. The script and variable can be configured as global.

import clr;
import System;

if (not ThisService.Variables.HasValue("ModToInstall")) or ThisService.Variables["ModToInstall"] == "":


from System import String;
from TCAdmin.SDK.Misc import ObjectXml;
from TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.Automation import GameHostingModInstallInfo;
from TCAdmin.GameHosting.ModuleApi import ModuleDef;
from TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.SDK.Objects import TaskStep;

modinfo = GameHostingModInstallInfo();
GameHostingModInstallInfo.ServiceId.SetValue(modinfo, ThisService.ServiceId);
GameHostingModInstallInfo.ModId.SetValue(modinfo, int(ThisService.Variables["ModToInstall"]));
GameHostingModInstallInfo.Variables.SetValue(modinfo, String.Empty);

modstep = TaskStep();
modstep.TaskId = ThisTaskStep.Arguments.TaskId;
modstep.ModuleId = ModuleDef.ModuleId;
modstep.ProcessId = 8;
modstep.ServerId = ThisService.ServerId;
modstep.Name = "Install mod";
modstep.Arguments = ObjectXml.ObjectToXml(modinfo);

Minecraft Mod Packs

The following Iron python script will install a mod pack after the game server has been created. You can use this script for minecraft mod packs. Create a variable named "ModToInstall". Configure WHMCS to send the mod to be installed after creating the game server. Configure it for the game's after created event. In this example if the value of ModToInstall is rlcraft it will install the latest version of rlcraft. You will need to add other modpack ids as needed.

You can find the modpack id and version id with your web browser's developer console. Press F12. Select the network tab. Install a mod and view the install request to get the values of modid and version.

import clr
import System


from System import String
from TCAdmin.SDK.Database import XmlField
from TCAdmin.GameHosting.ModuleApi import ModuleDef
from TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.SDK.Objects import TaskStep

if (not ThisService.Variables.HasValue("ModToInstall")) or ThisService.Variables["ModToInstall"] == "":

PackId = 0
VersionId = 0
ModType = ""
if ThisService.Variables["ModToInstall"] == "rlcraft" :
  PackId = 285109
  VersionId = 3655670
  ModType = "curseforge"
modpackinfo = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ModpackInfo xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
</ModpackInfo>""".format(ThisService.ServiceId, PackId, VersionId, ModType, "customjar")

modstep = TaskStep()
modstep.TaskId = ThisTaskStep.Arguments.TaskId
modstep.ModuleId = "b48cfbc9-7acc-4980-89c4-2b6a1f784aa0"
modstep.ProcessId = 1
modstep.ServerId = ThisService.ServerId
modstep.Name = "Install modpack"
modstep.Arguments = modpackinfo
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