Feature Permissions

From TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation
Revision as of 14:25, 10 June 2011 by TCAWiki (talk | contribs)

Enable the features that sub administrators, resellers and users can access.

File Manager
Enable access to the file manager.
Enable access to the files via FTP.
Log Viewer
Enable access to the log viewer.
Log Viewer (Text Console Output)
Enable access to the console output. Text Console > Control Console's Output is required.
Web Console
Enable access to the web console.
Predefined Commandlines
Enable access to the predefined commandlines.
Custom Commandlines
Allow creation of custom commandlines.
Allow access to game server updates.
Mod Manager
Allow access to install/uninstall mods.
Steam Update
Allow access to run the steam update.
Punkbuster Update
Allow access to run the punkbuster update.
Allow access to reinstall the service.
Scheduled Reinstall
Allow access to schedule when the service will be reinstalled.
Player Stats
Allow access to the game server's player stats.
CPU Stats
Allow access to the game server's CPU usage stats.
Memory Stats
Allow access to the game server's memory usage stats.
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