Fast Downloads



The fast downloads feature allows you to copy or upload custom game content to a website so they can be downloaded directly by players.


You can configure fast downloads in 3 ways:

  1. Locally. The fast downloads website and game server are located on the same server.
  2. Remotely with another server. The fast downloads website is located on a different server that has TCAdmin installed.
  3. Remotely with a file server. The fast downloads website is located on a file server or hosting account.

For security reasons it is recommended that the website used for fast downloads does not have any server side scripting enabled (ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, etc)

Downloads hosted locally

  • Web server installed and configured with a website for fast downloads. (Apache, IIS, etc) We do not provide instructions on configuring the web server.

Downloads hosted on another TCAdmin server

Downloads hosted on a file server or hosting account

  • FTP account used to upload files to the website's root folder.

Server Configuration

Downloads hosted locally

Go to Servers > Select the server > Game & Voice Settings tab. Configure the following options.

Enable fast downloads
Fast Downloads Server
Local Storage
Fast Downloads Save Path
Enter the path to the root of the fast downloads website that you created. (for example C:\Inetpub\wwwroot)
Fast Downloads Folder Template
Enter the template used to determine the folder where the fast download files will be saved for each game or voice service. You may use the default value. For example this will create a folder with the service's IP and port ( : $[Service.IPAddress]_$[Service.GamePort]\
Fast Downloads URL
The base URL pointing to the fast download save path.


Downloads hosted on a different TCAdmin server

First you must configure one of your servers with downloads hosted locally.

Then go to the other server's Game & Voice Settings tab. Configure the following options.

Enable fast downloads
Fast Downloads Server
Select the other tcadmin server from the list.


Downloads hosted on a file server

First you must configure a file server for fast downloads.

Then go to the Servers > Select the server > Game & Voice Settings tab. Configure the following options.

Enable fast downloads
Fast Downloads Server
Select the other tcadmin server from the list.


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