Convert SQLite Database to MySQL

From TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation
Revision as of 23:12, 19 February 2012 by TCAWiki (talk | contribs)

Convert your Database

You can convert your SQLite database to MySQL using the tool available at General Settings > Tools.

First create an empty MySQL database and user. Enter the information and click on Execute.

After the process completes you will be redirected to the configuration utility. Configure TCAdmin to use the MySQL database and restart.

Configure Remote Servers

After you have configured your master it is recommended that you enable remote db connections. Go to Server Management > Remote DB Connections. Enter the information required to connect to the database there.

Generate a new ConfigUtility.config for each of your remote servers. Place it in the remote's Monitor folder (/home/tcadmin/Monitor or Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor) and restart the monitor. It is recommended that you start the monitor in console mode first to make sure it works correctly.

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