Difference between revisions of "Ark Workshop Scripts for Linux"

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* Updated 2020/6/9. Some Linux mods are placed in /downloads/ instead of /content/
<source lang="python">import clr
<source lang="python">import clr

Revision as of 17:18, 9 June 2020

  • Updated 2020/6/9. Some Linux mods are placed in /downloads/ instead of /content/
import clr

from System.IO import Directory, File, Path, SearchOption
from System import Environment, PlatformID, String, Exception
from System.Text.RegularExpressions import Regex, RegexOptions, Match


# https://github.com/TheCherry/ark-server-manager #
import struct
import zlib
import sys

def str_to_l(st):
    return struct.unpack('q', st)[0]

def z_unpack(src, dst):
    global extractedcount, totalfilecount, lastfileprogress
    with open(src, 'rb') as f_src:
        with open(dst, 'wb') as f_dst:
            size1 = str_to_l(f_src.read(8))
            size2 = str_to_l(f_src.read(8))
            if(size1 == -1641380927):
                size1 = 131072L
            runs = (size2 + size1 - 1L) / size1
            array = []
            for i in range(runs):
            for i in range(runs):
                to_read = array[i]
                compressed = f_src.read(str_to_l(to_read))
                decompressed = zlib.decompress(compressed)
    Script.WriteToConsole("Extracted " + dst.Replace(ThisService.RootDirectory, ""))
    File.Delete(src + ".uncompressed_size")
    if progress > lastfileprogress + 4:

# https://github.com/barrycarey/Ark_Mod_Downloader/blob/master/Ark_Mod_Downloader.py #
import os
import struct
from collections import OrderedDict
map_names = []
temp_mod_path = os.path.join(ThisService.RootDirectory, "ShooterGame/Content/Mods")
meta_data = OrderedDict([])

def parse_base_info(modid):

        Script.WriteToConsole("[+] Collecting Mod Details From mod.info")

        mod_info = os.path.join(temp_mod_path, modid, "mod.info")

        if not os.path.isfile(mod_info):
            Script.WriteToConsole("[x] Failed to locate mod.info. Cannot Continue.  Aborting")
            return False

        with open(mod_info, "rb") as f:
            map_count = struct.unpack('i', f.read(4))[0]

            for i in range(map_count):
                cur_map = read_ue4_string(f)
                if cur_map:

        return True

def parse_meta_data(modid):
        Parse the modmeta.info files and extract the key value pairs need to for the .mod file.
        How To Parse modmeta.info:
            1. Read 4 bytes to tell how many key value pairs are in the file
            2. Read next 4 bytes tell us how many bytes to read ahead to get the key
            3. Read ahead by the number of bytes retrieved from step 2
            4. Read next 4 bytes to tell how many bytes to read ahead to get value
            5. Read ahead by the number of bytes retrieved from step 4
            6. Start at step 2 again
        :return: Dict

        print("[+] Collecting Mod Meta Data From modmeta.info")
        print("[+] Located The Following Meta Data:")

        mod_meta = os.path.join(temp_mod_path, modid, "modmeta.info")
        if not os.path.isfile(mod_meta):
            Script.WriteToConsole("[x] Failed To Locate modmeta.info. Cannot continue without it.  Aborting")
            return False

        with open(mod_meta, "rb") as f:

            total_pairs = struct.unpack('i', f.read(4))[0]

            for i in range(total_pairs):

                key, value = "", ""

                key_bytes = struct.unpack('i', f.read(4))[0]
                key_flag = False
                if key_bytes < 0:
                    key_flag = True
                    key_bytes -= 1

                if not key_flag and key_bytes > 0:

                    raw = f.read(key_bytes)
                    key = raw[:-1].decode()

                value_bytes = struct.unpack('i', f.read(4))[0]
                value_flag = False
                if value_bytes < 0:
                    value_flag = True
                    value_bytes -= 1

                if not value_flag and value_bytes > 0:
                    raw = f.read(value_bytes)
                    value = raw[:-1].decode()

                # TODO This is a potential issue if there is a key but no value
                if key and value:
                    Script.WriteToConsole("[!] " + key + ":" + value)
                    meta_data[key] = value

        return True

def create_mod_file(modid):
        Create the .mod file.
        This code is an adaptation of the code from Ark Server Launcher.  All credit goes to Face Wound on Steam
        if not parse_base_info(modid) or not parse_meta_data(modid):
            return False

        print("[+] Writing .mod File")
        with open(os.path.join(temp_mod_path, modid + ".mod"), "w+b") as f:

            modid = int(modid)
            f.write(struct.pack('ixxxx', modid))  # Needs 4 pad bits
            write_ue4_string("ModName", f)
            write_ue4_string("", f)

            map_count = len(map_names)
            f.write(struct.pack("i", map_count))

            for m in map_names:
                write_ue4_string(m, f)

            # Not sure of the reason for this
            num2 = 4280483635
            f.write(struct.pack('I', num2))
            num3 = 2
            f.write(struct.pack('i', num3))

            if "ModType" in meta_data:
                mod_type = b'1'
                mod_type = b'0'

            # TODO The packing on this char might need to be changed
            f.write(struct.pack('p', mod_type))
            meta_length = len(meta_data)
            f.write(struct.pack('i', meta_length))

            for k, v in meta_data.items():
                write_ue4_string(k, f)
                write_ue4_string(v, f)

        return True

def read_ue4_string(file):
        count = struct.unpack('i', file.read(4))[0]
        flag = False
        if count < 0:
            flag = True
            count -= 1

        if flag or count <= 0:
            return ""

        return file.read(count)[:-1].decode()

def write_ue4_string(string_to_write, file):
        string_length = len(string_to_write) + 1
        file.write(struct.pack('i', string_length))
        barray = bytearray(string_to_write, "utf-8")
        file.write(struct.pack('p', b'0'))

# If the content folder doesn't exist use downloads
if not Directory.Exists(InstallPath) :
  InstallPath=InstallPath.Replace("/content/", "/downloads/")

# Always use Windows files. Linux files cause the game server to crash at startup.
noeditor=Path.Combine(InstallPath, oseditor )

# Extract and delete all .z files
zfiles=Directory.GetFiles(noeditor, "*.z", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
for zfile in zfiles:
  file=Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(zfile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zfile))
  z_unpack(zfile, file)
  Script.WriteToConsole("Extracted " + file)
  File.Delete(zfile + ".uncompressed_size")

# Move folder to correct location. Delete if it already exists.
modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("ShooterGame/Content/Mods/{0}", FileId))
if Directory.Exists(modfolder) :
  Directory.Delete(modfolder, True)
Directory.Move(Path.Combine(InstallPath, oseditor), modfolder)

# Update ini file
serveros = "WindowsServer" if Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT else "LinuxServer"
inifile = Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("ShooterGame/Saved/Config/{0}/GameUserSettings.ini", serveros))
pattern="ActiveMods[ \t]*=[ \t]*(?<ActiveMods>[0-9, \t]*)"
filecontents = File.ReadAllText(inifile)
match = Regex.Match(filecontents, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
if match.Success :
  activemods = match.Groups["ActiveMods"].Value
  if String.IsNullOrEmpty(activemods) or activemods.IndexOf(FileId.ToString()) == -1 :
    if activemods.Length > 0 :
      activemods = activemods + ","
      activemods = activemods + FileId.ToString()
      filecontents=filecontents.Replace(match.Groups["ActiveMods"].Value, activemods)
    else :
      activemods = FileId.ToString()
      filecontents = filecontents.Substring(0, match.Groups["ActiveMods"].Index) + activemods + filecontents.Substring(match.Groups["ActiveMods"].Index)
    File.WriteAllText(inifile, filecontents)

#Create .mod

# Delete folder
if Directory.Exists(InstallPath) :
  Directory.Delete(InstallPath, True)
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