Common Errors

From TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation


Slow MySQL Connections

This usually happens when it takes a long time for the MySQL server to resolve the client's IP. To fix this you must add the following line to your MySQL server's my.ini under [mysqld]:


If you run MySQL on the same server use to connect instead of the public IP.

Starting/Stopping a Service is Slow

This is usually caused by having uPnP support enabled and the server is not behind a router or firewall with uPnP enabled. Select the server. In the Router/Firewall tab uncheck "Enable support for uPnP port forwarding". Restart the monitor service. Wait 10 seconds and restart the service manager service.

401 Error/Slow Access to Services

If you get this error while accessing a game server located on the master this usually means there is an error when verifying your license. Go to System > About. If there was an error updating your license you will see the error message there.

If you get this error while accessing a game server located on a remote this usually means the remote can't connect to the master. Make sure you can view https://masterip:secureport/Monitor using the server's browser. On Linux you can use wget. It is normal to get a security warning when doing this.

Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction

This happens when the remote does not have the same version as the master. Do a manual update on the remote to the same version running on the master.

Error - Cannot find central directory

This error means the zip file that TCAdmin is trying to extract is corrupt or it is not a standard zip file.


An error occurred while attempting to impersonate. Execution of this request cannot continue

Your server has active directory enabled and you get this error when starting the monitor. To fix this error:

  1. Create a text file named ServerDomain.txt in the TCAdmin2\Monitor folder. The file should have a single line with the name of the server's domain.

Services have StartError or Error status after restarting Windows

This is fixed by increasing the page file size.

Form of the specified string is not suitable for e-mail address

This is caused by an invalid configuration in IIS:

  1. Log in to your server's remote desktop.
  2. Go to Start > Administrative Tools > IIS Manager.
  3. Select the server node on the left.
  4. Double click on the "SMTP E-mail" icon.
Set E-mail address blank
Check Deliver e-mail to SMTP server
Set SMTP Server blank.
Use localhost unchecked
Port 25
Autentication Settings: Not required.

"steam validation rejected" or "Running in LAN mode only" when starting source games

Installing steam client onto the dedicated box, it tricks srcds.exe to try and login to the account that was linked to the steam client install, thus causing the servers to run in local only as it cant verify the game.
Solutions, fix
Uninstall steam client from the machine, and then follow with running regedit from the start menu or run. search for the term "steam" and remove all "valve" steam related directories.

Thanks to for the information

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'TCAdmin.WebServer, Version=2.0.XX.0 ....'

Make sure the following folder exists:

Windows 32bit
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files
Windows 64bit
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files


Too many open files

Execute the following commands and you will see a certain limit set for the number of open files.

su tcadmin
ulimit -n

To increase this limit add the following lines to the end of /etc/security/limits.conf

tcadmin soft nofile 10240
tcadmin hard nofile 10240

To see if the new limits are applied execute the following commands.

su tcadmin
ulimit -Hn
ulimit -Sn

Restart the monitor for the changes to take effect.

If your game servers have the same error message you will have to do the same steps for tcagame

Login form is not loaded correctly

This can happen when you are missing some dependencies. The mono installer should install them automatically but if it didn't you can check for missing dependencies with this command. Install them according to your distro:

ldd /opt/mono-2.10.8/lib/

On Debian this command should automatically install missing dependencies after installing mono:

apt-get install -f

After installing the missing dependencies restart your monitor:

/home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service restart

Failed to create shadow copy .ini file.

This error usually means the partition where TCAdmin is installed or the /tmp folder does not have any space available. After freeing some space restart the monitor:

cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor/
monitor-service restart

Reqested font family not found

Install the msttcorefonts on the master. System_Requirements

This platform is not supported

This can happen when running a steam update or streaming logs. It can also cause the rounded borders to not render correctly. It happens when the file /proc/net/snmp does not exist. You can install it by executing these commands:

apt-get install snmpd
cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor
./monitor-service restart

Teamspeak 3

"Could not scan server" when submitting to

This is probably caused by an access denied error from the Teamspeak server. Follow these instructions to troubleshoot:

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