Virtual Servers

Revision as of 21:58, 21 February 2012 by TCAWiki (talk | contribs) (→‎Limitations)



TCAdmin allows you to split your server's resources into virtual servers. This feature does not use virtualization software. Basically you can create a virtual server with 1 or more IPs, cores, x amount of ram and x amount of disk space. In TCAdmin it will look like a normal server.

Possible Implementations

Sell dedicated cores and memory.
Assign a virtual server to a user or reseller so he can create game servers.
Distribute your game servers across different drives.
If you have 3 hard drives you can create 2 virtual servers with unlimited memory and disk space. Their user files path will each point to different drives.
Configure game servers on specific IPs.
If you want to a game type to only use a specific IP you can create a virtual server with that IP. In the virtual server's game and voice settings only allow that game to be created. In the main server's settings allow all games except that one and in the IP settings disable game and voice servers for the virtual server's IP.


Windows Service Manager
On Windows, the service manager must always run in service mode. If you start a service that is assigned to a virtual server while the service manager is running in console mode it will be stopped after a few seconds.
Games and Services
The game must be able to run as a guest (non-root) user. Each virtual server has its own user. The game servers run as that user, overriding any setting in the game's Run As tab.
CPU usage shown in the System Resources Widget
Memory Usage
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