Support System

From TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation
Revision as of 23:43, 1 October 2012 by TCAWiki (talk | contribs)


The support system can be configured by administrators and resellers. A reseller can have his own configuration except for the global settings (enable attachments, allowed extensions, size limit).

General Settings

Enable or disable the built in support ticket system.
Assign ticket to the first admin/subadmin that reads it
If enabled, the ticket will be assigned to the first admin or sub admin that reads it. If the subadmin has "Unassign own tickets" and "Assign tickets" permission he can assign it to a different admin/subadmin.
Delete tickets when user is deleted
Deletes all the user's tickets when the user is deleted.
Display Name
The name shown to the user in the ticket's history.
Auto Close Tickets
Specify the number of days to wait before the ticket is closed automatically after it has been answered. Set to 0 to disable. This requires the that the admin configure a recurring task with the "Auto close support tickets" action.

Global Settings

Enable attachments
Enable or disable attachments.
Allowed Extensions
The allowed extensions separated by ";"
Max Upload Size
The maximum file size in KB that can be uploaded. Set to 0 to have no limit. Default is 5MB.

Support Departments

Create your support ticket departments. You can specify the sub admins that have access to each department.

Mail Templates

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