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From TCAdmin 2.0 Documentation
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== Installation (Linux) ==
== Installation (Linux) ==
* Create a user that will be used to run TCAdmin. "tcadmin" is recommended.
/usr/sbin/useradd tcadmin -p (random password)
* Download tcadmin2.zip and extract to the user's home directory or subdirectory.
mkdir -p /home/tcadmin/tca2beta
cd /home/tcadmin/tca2beta
wget http://www.tcadmin.com/tcadmin2.zip
unzip tcadmin2.zip
rm tcadmin2.zip
* If your user is not named tcadmin make the necessary changes in the file Monitor/tcadmin-config.
* Give execute permissions on scripts.
cd Monitor
chmod +x monitor-console
chmod +x monitor-service
chmod +x serviceman-console
chmod +x serviceman-service
chmod +x servicebrowser
* Install the TCAdmin services (run as root).
./monitor-service install
./serviceman-service install
* Set folder owner.
chown --recursive tcadmin /home/tcadmin
* Start the Service Manager in service mode.
./serviceman-service start
* Start the Monitor in console mode and check for errors.
* If the monitor starts correctly stop the monitor by entering quit in the console and start in service mode.
./monitor-service start

Revision as of 01:14, 29 April 2011

Installation (Windows)

Before installing TCAdmin make sure you have installed the System Requirements

Installation (Linux)

Retrieved from "https://help.tcadmin.com/index.php?title=Installation&oldid=79"